Wedding photographer in Hoi An – Jack + Trang

Wedding photographer in Hoi An

Jack came to Vietnam to work and lived there for many years until he came to Hoi An to start a career in wedding photography,

He met Trang in a wedding party held at a small bar here.

Love comes to them quickly, they sympathize and love each other.

Wedding photographer in Hoi An is a profession that requires you to meet many wedding partners.

And that is also the advantage of two people when held at a very beautiful Villa in Hoi An with a garden and a beach.

A wonderful and warm evening between relatives and their families.

Wedding photographer in Hoi An for some small weddings

You need to save time and money, so it should be held in a few small Villa in Hoi An.

The work there is very good, they ensure everything from cooking to decorating lead the program.

Chay Villas An Bang is such a place. This is the first time I’m a wedding photographer in Hoi An having the opportunity to take photos here.

Many couples these days are opting for a wedding in Vietnam

Let’s face it, the moment that ring adorns your finger or the big announcement is made,

your wedding is public property. It seems like everyone has an opinion, suggestion or demand. Clearly all well-intentioned,

it can be overwhelming. Definitely enough to take the twinkle out of the sparkler on your finger. So these days, more and more couples are choosing to please themselves and wed their way.

Besides, who could argue with starting your honeymoon

before your wedding in one of the most beautiful and affordable parts of the world?

Wedding photographer in Hoi An that’s where I can help. I’m all about you. We make your ceremony your way.

There’s something fairly significant that happens in between the dressing up, the walking down the aisle and the big kiss. The vows you make are life long promises and it’s a pretty big deal.

It shouldn’t be stressful though and although we are designing a ceremony that should fit you like a glove,

it should be fun.

I’m here to create a ceremony with you and help you breathe.

Trust me. Lots of folks forget to breathe.

From the moment we first chat, through to meeting when you arrive, having the rehearsal and the big day, I’m with you, all the way.

I’ve married people from all over the world. From lavish 100+ people soirees to eloping couples where it’s just the three of us.

I love photographing ceremonies, and yes, I do tend to get a tear at times. I’m not going to fall down howling, though I do feel the emotion when the time comes.

One thing to note. I am a wedding photographer in Hoi An. Not a wedding planner.

Though I know all the quality operators and can certainly put you in touch with them and we can work together.

I’m all about the special part that happens when you finally face each other for the last time as a couple and emerge as your new married selves.

Even if it’s a pea thought of an idea, please feel free to drop me a line here and I will answer any questions you might have.


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